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Buntong Assemblywoman Manogaran Educates Political Activist Jauhari Johar on Coexistence Principles

Buntong assemblywoman Thulsi Thivani Manogaran schooled political activist Jauhari Johar on the meaning of coexistence.

“Co-existing doesn’t mean letting go of ones language, culture and religion. Rather embracing that we all come in different flavors and take advantage of each others strengths. That’s how the Malaysia that we have was born.

“I suggest instead of beating around the bush, tackle the issue head on, by first, asking why your colleague thinks it’s “keterlaluan” to open canteens in schools during Ramadan?

“Once PN & PAS have sorted their contradictory statements, we can then have a genuine and honest discussion about Bangsa Malaysia,” she said in a X post.

She was commenting on political activist Jauhari Johar’s post, where he raised queries about the Chinese community’s reluctance in strengthening and improving Malaysia’s national school system.

“Why aren’t the Chinese community willing to help and work towards consolidating and upgrading our national school system?

“I don’t think the excuse of “because national schools provide religious studies for the Malay community is even a valid argument for their refusal to participate and improve the standards of our national school.

“In fact, this kind of argument only reeks of islamophobia.”My “Impian Malaysia” is that someday, for the Chinese community to open up their hearts and share their resources and talents towards the betterment of all the races in our beloved Malaysia, and this starts with the national school,” Jauhari Johar wrote in X post.

Minister Fadhlina Sidek’s call for school canteens to operate as usual during Ramadan was front paged in China Press. She announced this while visiting SK Saujana Putra March 11.

The decision drew criticism from many politicians.

On 13th March, DAP member Syahredzan Johan and Bangi’s MP implores PAS and its PN cohorts to cease politicizing school canteen hours during Ramadan, in a statement.

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